Save the Date!

45th Annual JCT Conference on
Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice

October 16-18, 2025

Bergamo Conference Center

Dayton, Ohio

Job Posting

Curriculum Theory faculty position opening at LSU for Assistant/Associate, here is the link:—Curriculum-Theory_R00031831

New Leadership Team

Thank you to all who have helped us with the leadership team transition for the Bergamo Conference and the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. Special thanks to Rob Helfenbein and Gabe Huddleston who have worked hard to make this a seamless process. We also want to thank YOU for being patient as we get the new leadership team in place (see member names below).

Looking forward, we are happy to announce that our Annual Conference at Bergamo will be October 10-12, 2019, in Dayton, Ohio. Please hold the dates and plan to join us for the meeting. More details about the conference theme will follow in the late spring Call for Proposals announcement.

In the meantime, very soon we will be accepting manuscripts for Journal of Curriculum Theorizing through the online portal at

The good people who have agreed to serve as editors for the journal are also listed below.

Again, I am grateful to all as we transition, and looking forward to carrying on this great work with the new team,

Tom Poetter

New Issue of JCT

A new issue of JCT is now available! Click here or the image below to see the new issue.

Bergamo Program 2018


Download the Full 2018 Bergamo Conference Program here:

2018 bergamo program final

We will not be providing printed programs at this year’s conference. Please arrange to bring a device with digital access to the conference program, or print out your own program prior to attending the conference.

See you soon at Bergamo!

The Bergamo Leadership Team

Keynote Speaker Bergamo 2018: Dr. Nina Asher

Dr. Nina Asher, University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities

Nina Asher (Ed.D., 1999, Teachers College, Columbia University) is a professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (UMN-TC). She was the recipient of a 2014-15 Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Award (Research) for her project, Examining the Intersections of Globalization, Privatization, and Education after two decades of Economic Liberalization in India, and conducted this research in India during her sabbatical. Nina was Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, UMN-TC, from July 2011-June 2014. She is an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies (GWSS) and the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC) at UMN-TC.

Nina writes in the areas of postcolonialism and feminism, globalization, critical perspectives on multiculturalism, and Asian American studies in education. She has published over 30 articles and book chapters and her work has appeared in such leading national and international journals as the Educational Researcher, Teachers College Record, Postcolonial Directions in Education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, and Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, among others.

Nina has served as a member/chair of numerous committees of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) over the past 15 years. Her extensive service to Division B (Curriculum Studies) includes being a member of the Lifetime Achievement Award Committee (2014-15), chairing the Nominations Committee (2011-13), and chairing the Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee (2004-05). In 2013-14, Nina chaired the Nominating Committee of Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) and from 2004-07, she was the inaugural Chair of AERA’s Postcolonial Studies and Education Special Interest Group (SIG). Previously, she served as a member of the Selma Greenberg Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee of the AERA’s SIG Research on Women in Education (in 2003) and Program Chair of the AERA’s SIG Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans (2002-03). Nina’s history of service to AERA is evidence of her sustained commitment to equity, diversity, and excellence in educational research.

Beyond AERA, Nina is Book Review Editor for the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, since 2007 and, from 2007-2009, was also Book Review Editor for the National Women’s Studies Association Journal (now Feminist Formations). She has also served on the Fellowship review panels (both International and American) of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and on the Canon Project Task Force of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS). Nina serves on the editorial/advisory boards of several top, refereed journals, including the JCT, Teachers College Record and Curriculum Inquiry. From 1999-2011, Nina was on the faculty at Louisiana State University, where she served as Co-Director of the Curriculum Theory Project (CTP) from 2007-10.