We are so pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing this year. We want to thank the previous JCT editing team for all of the work they did to get the issue procured and into shape, and for their assistance in our transition to publish the work. And of course to the editing team for the special issue, and all of the authors of the articles in it, thank you for sharing your work and expertise with friends/readers of JCT, Bergamo Conference goers, the scholarly community, and the world. By way of introduction, the issue co-editors, Jamie Buffington-Adams (Indiana University East) and Kelly P. Vaughn (Purdue Northwest), offer this introductory note in their opening piece, “The Curriculum of Disability Studies: Multiple Perspectives on Dis/Ability, an Invitation to Complicated Conversations”:
“In this special edition, we invited scholars from the fields of Curriculum Studies and Disability Studies to present work about the curriculum of dis/ability. The scholars featured in this special edition have taken up the call in a variety of ways, including auto-ethnographical reflection, analysis of existing curricula, arts-based theorizing, and reflections on classroom interactions. Through these works, we offer not a prescriptive approach to infusing Disability Studies into Curriculum Studies (or vice-versa), but rather an invitation to our readers to theorize through intersectional and interdisciplinary lenses” (p. 1).
Perhaps one marker of excellent work is that early readers are already recommending that students and scholars read it now! Since the final copy hit the editorial mailbox a week or so ago, I have been reading and suggesting the articles to students and colleagues. On behalf of our managing editor, Kelly Waldrop, thank you to everyone for your assistance in the transition to our new editing team, for sharing such outstanding work to be read and discussed and used. Please read and comment on the pieces in your work ahead.
Many best regards, Thomas Poetter, Editor and Kelly Waldrop, Managing Editor