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2018 Special Issue: Curriculum Theorizing in The Post-Truth Era


Call for Papers

Curriculum Theorizing in The Post-Truth Era

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing Special Issue

Guest Editors:

Rouhollah Aghasaleh, PhD   

 Ligia (Licho) López López, PhD 

The guest editors of Journal of Curriculum Theorizing invite article submissions for a special issue on Curriculum Theorizing in The Post-Truth Era. Submissions from established and new scholars are welcome. The special issue will be published in Spring 2019.

After the 2016 presidential election many scholars, institutions of higher education, and educators have released statements to support minoritized communities, immigrants, and other historically underserved groups. Several urban school districts reported a major drop in school attendance by Latinx and LGBTQI students who feel threatened and unsafe. The intensification of discourses and the performance of (what has been socially constructed as) racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry are unquestionable. How is education participating, resisting, refusing, and reinscribing these discourses and practices? During her concession speech, Clinton said the nation is “more deeply divided than we thought.” She was referring to a breakdown of the election results and the existing racial, gender, faith, class, and educational disparity. Education as a proxy of privilege is critical here. However, with Republicans controlling the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government, higher education will become even less accessible to populations living “in an alternative reality.” This makes public education more important and our work, as educators, even more critical. Some questions to ponder are: How do we teach those whose perspectives differ from us? What are the funds of knowledge of young people in Trumster families? What is the role of education in engaging with a large group of US citizens who relate to post-truth politics?

To this end, educators, students, curriculum scholars, and activists across the country have written on issues such as the problem of a “neutral” curriculum for education, the role of educators, social justice education, undocumented students, fake news, women’s lives, environmental justice, ethno-nationalims, school re-segregation, the clash of civilizations, and more.

This special issue will address questions such as:

  • How did post-truth emerge and what were the conditions of its possibility?
  • What is the place of curriculum theorizing in this post-truth politics era?
  • How could professional organizations and scholars of education navigate the post-truth era?
  • How do post-truth politics affect critical curriculum theory and practice?
  • How can critical educators work with minoritized communities, immigrants, Black and Brown folx, Indigenous and first nation peoples, Muslims, and groups of marginalized students and their families?
  • How could educators reach out to children of the Trumpsters in their classrooms? What are their funds of knowledge? And how would these inform the field of curriculum theorizing?
  • How will social grassroots movements and issues that threaten immigrants, communities of color, LGBTQI communities, etc. inform public education in the post-truth era?
  • Are there elements of the clash of civilizations thesis operating in generating the current states of affairs societies are seeing in and beyond the United States?
  • What historical and philosophical means could be invoked to meditate and sit with in the present moment?
  • What futurities might we see emerge from a persistent refusal of the orders that have come to normalize the violence inflicted on particular bodies?

* This special issue welcomes alternative formats such as, but not limited to, spoken word poetry, comics, arts-based approaches, essays in addition to more conventional research publications, working papers, theoretical pieces, and historical analysis.

Please, submit your 500-word abstract to jctposttruth@gmail.com by February, 28 2018.

Important Dates:

Abstracts Due:                 Feb. 28, 2018

Decision on Abstracts:     Apr. 30, 2018

Full Manuscripts Due:     Aug. 30, 2018

Publication:                      Spring, 2019

JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing is an interdisciplinary journal of curriculum studies. It offers an academic forum for scholarly discussions of curriculum. Historically aligned with the “reconceptualist” movement in curriculum theorizing, and oriented toward informing and affecting classroom practice, JCT presents compelling pieces within forms that challenge disciplinary, genre, and textual boundaries.

The journal is published by the Foundation for Curriculum Theory and is associated with the Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, held in the autumn of each year. JCT is indexed in The Education Index.

NOTICE: As of December 2008, the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (Volume 24, Issue 1) and all future issues are available freely and exclusively online to all individuals and institutions.

Contributors to the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing retain copyright to their work. ISSN: 1942-2563

Rouhollah Aghasaleh, PhD

Department of Middle and Secondary Education, Georgia State University

Email: raghasaleh@gsu.edu

Ligia (Licho) López López, PhD

Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne

Email: lllopez@unimelb.edu.au